Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Flaming Underpants: the 1956 Olympic Hoax

I know it's not directly pertinent to SEO in Australia, but this is hilarious!

The Museum of Hoaxes story will save me a little typing.

Then someone whispered in the mayor’s ear, “That’s not the torch.” Suddenly the mayor realized what he was holding. Held proudly in his hand was not the majestic Olympic flame. Instead he was gripping a wooden chair leg topped by a plum pudding can inside of which a pair of kerosene-soaked underwear was burning with a greasy flame. The mayor looked around for the runner, but the man had already disappeared, melting away into the surrounding crowd.
There's already a web buzz rippling across the Net. You gotta wonder what kind of internet tsunami this stunt would cause today?

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Actually, this sort of web buzz is directly pertinent to SEO in Australia, but I needed a segue to focus on the humor.